すべてのテーブルのセル結合を解除するWordマクロを考えてみました(Word 2003と2010で動作を確認)。
※ 下記コードは入れ子になっているテーブルには未対応です。
Option Explicit Private Sub UnMergeAllTables() '全テーブルの結合解除 UnMergeAllTablesR UnMergeAllTablesC Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory End Sub Private Sub UnMergeAllTablesR() '全テーブルの縦方向の結合解除 Dim rowspan As Long Dim t As Word.Table Dim c As Word.Cell For Each t In ActiveDocument.Tables For Each c In t.Range.Cells c.Select With Selection rowspan = (.Information(wdEndOfRangeRowNumber) - .Information(wdStartOfRangeRowNumber)) + 1 If rowspan <> 1 Then .Cells.Split NumRows:=rowspan, NumColumns:=1, MergeBeforeSplit:=False End If End With Next Next End Sub Private Sub UnMergeAllTablesC() '全テーブルの横方向の結合解除 Dim t As Word.Table For Each t In ActiveDocument.Tables UnMergeTableC t Next End Sub Private Sub UnMergeTableC(ByRef tbl As Word.Table) '指定したテーブルの横方向の結合解除 Dim d As Object Dim colspan As Long Dim i As Long, n As Long Set d = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument") If d.LoadXML(tbl.Range.XML) Then With d.SelectNodes("/w:wordDocument/w:body/wx:sect/w:tbl/w:tr") For i = 0 To .Length - 1 With .Item(i).SelectNodes("w:tc") For n = 0 To .Length - 1 If .Item(n).SelectNodes("w:tcPr/w:gridSpan").Length > 0 Then colspan = CLng(.Item(n).SelectNodes("w:tcPr/w:gridSpan").Item(0).Attributes(0).Text) 'Debug.Print colspan, tbl.Cell(i + 1, n + 1).Range.Text '確認用 tbl.Cell(i + 1, n + 1).Split NumRows:=1, NumColumns:=colspan End If Next End With Next End With End If End Sub